
5 months old......春光乍洩

Dear son, thank you for being a chubby boy so that mommy can train the strength of arm.
Dear son, thank you for your smile in every single morning. You make my day.........:p
Dear son, please don't forget about mommy when you have a girlfriend in the future.
Dear son, please don't live far away when mommy gets old.
I will love you forever,
I will like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
You will always be my boy.

親愛的兒子, 感謝你是這樣一個胖小子, 讓媽咪的手臂訓練的很強壯.
親愛的兒子, 感謝你每天早晨醒來迎接媽咪的微笑. 讓媽咪忙碌的一天變的好友意義.
親愛的兒子, 不要把媽咪忘記了, 當你有女朋友時.
親愛的兒子, 不要住的太遙遠, 當媽咪漸漸變老時.


Lst it snow!

Our new family friend, Snow came to visit us on 2/03.........a cold and beautiful Sunday! Due to our new friend, the Church was cancelled today. Mai was so excited that it's her very first time to see and touch snow.........:p Since she was born and lived in Hawaii until last year, she doesn't seem to like the cold weather in Tokyo. However, she was so happy to see all the beautiful snowflakes.

Bye Bye! Snow! Thank you for making Mai's day. Thank you to be our new family friend.
Bye Bye! Snow! See you next year!

今天一早就開始下雪了. 老實說在台北長大的我,真的對snow很陌生. 我和Mai都很興奮. 不停地開著窗戶摸摸雪和呼吸著新鮮的冷空氣. 不過這樣一開一關的, 還真苦了Hiro and Haru. 他們真的很怕冷.....................:p
也因為這個突來的朋友, 東京的教會停聚會一天. 真的好冷喔! 我們開始想念炎熱的Hawaii.
再見了, Snow! 很開心你的到訪. Mai真的很開心和你會面.
Bye Bye! 我們明年東京見!



When Mai was a little baby, she did not look like a pure Japanese at all. In my mind, most of the pure Japanese have thick eyebrows. Unfortunately, I think both of my children got the thin eyebrows from me. One day right after I fed Mai (she was about two and half weeks old), I made "Seaweed game" as one of our family traditions. Now, it's time for Haru to play this "Seaweed game". The similarity between Mai and Haru is so strong that they are really sister and brother.

當Mai還只是2個多星期大的小北鼻時, 我做了"海苔"眉毛給她. 當時只覺得好玩並沒有太多的想法.等第弟Haru出生了, 我才又想到也讓他當當有粗眉毛的小日本鬼子.
一照完像才發現, Mai和Haru真的好像. 也真的有越來越多了人告訴我們, 她們兩姊弟真的很像. 我的小寶貝和小小寶貝真的是太像Hiro了. 希望我們下一個孩子也能像像我,這樣子我會覺得比較公平..........:p

Mai at 15 days old

Haru at 4 months old



Happy B-day to all of you---February friends

2/02---Dolly Wilson (Dolly-mommy)
I don't know how to express my love to you. Thank you for always being here when I am in need. Thank you for your love and kindness to me. Thank you for being such a sweet mommy to me. I love you and wish you would be healthy and happy through all year long.

感謝你曾經教導數學不好的我. 謝謝你的耐心幫忙我的功課和成績. 祝福你生日快樂.

沒人比妳適合當班長了. 謝謝妳在高中時那麼照顧和關心我. 結婚時妳也是熱情地幫我邀約同學出席. 祝福妳生日快樂.

好多回憶裡都有你, 你就像是哥哥一樣幫我渡過好多難關和問題. 也像是弟弟一樣讓我很傷神和費心. 想想這樣真的很好, 你好我也好. 彼此不用相互牽絆和掛心. 長時間蒙受你的照顧真的很感謝. 你常常飛上海台灣, 身體要保重. 騎車或開車要小心. 祝福你, Happy B-day.

沒同班過的我們在偶然中認識. 妳一直都那麼豪爽和開心. 好喜歡跟妳在一起的感覺. 一個人在美國打拼很辛苦, 我常常幫妳禱告和祝福. 希望妳早日學成歸國,完成妳的夢想.

2/18---Tom Tate
Brother Tate, you have a good sence of humor. I still remember that you served in Taipei and love my home town, Taiwan. May we keep in touch and happy happy B-day to you.

時間過的好快,我們認識都已經17年了. 很多美好的童年回憶都有你的參與. 真的好開心你和可可能來拜訪我們的家庭. 你一像是個健康寶寶, 快要成家的你, 更顯得有顯得穩重和成熟. 加油, 我雖然不常在台灣, 但我時常想念你和可可. 更歡迎你們隨時都來玩. 你一定要記得, 以後我們的孩子們也要像我們一樣這樣玩在一起, 一起長大喔! 生日快樂, my bro. and body.

2/19---Hirofumi Kuroda
I miss all the wonderful and delicious food you made for my family. I miss all the parties we had in Hawaii. Thanks for your friendly smile. I will keep this friendship forever and ever. Happy B-day and wish you graduate from BYU-H successfully.

吳姊, 從小妳的年紀就是我們這7仙女中倒數第2小的. 妳的個頭卻是第一高的. 我時常都忘記了原來妳真的比我還小, 成熟的妳確時常教導我, 幫忙我. 現在妳更是在我有需要時, 教導和照顧我的孩子. 我們雖然不常見面, 但是每逢一相聚, 卻又不會陌生和遠離, 我想這就是天父送給妳我之間最棒的姊妹情誼. Happy B-day my girl. I miss you.

2/25---Melanie Han
Living in Hale 5 with you was such a great and joyful experience I had. We were cleanning our room all the time. We would always enjoy talking and being with each other. We said prayer each night together and greeted each other in the morning. We were just like sisters and family. You are my first and last roommate in Hawaii. I am so happy for you that you also found the Mr. Right now. I miss you all the time, Mel. Wish you happy happy B-day.

I am so sorry that if the list is missing one of you. However, Hiro and I will always pray for you and think about you. May the happinese be with you through all year long.如果我有遺漏任何一個你, 真的很抱歉. 但我和Hiro一定會在我們的禱告中祝福你們.