
Mai's new performance

Since Mai was a little girl, we observed that singing and dancing are parts of Mai's life. Here are the two new performance that she does recently. Her Chinese is also getting better and better by singing Chinese songs often. As parents, Hiro and I would encourage you to sing with your little one often. The power of music is great than we thought. Sally Peterson Brinton, mother of four and a concert pianist, testifies that music improves coordination between thought and action, encourages creative and orderly thinking, fosters mental alertness and, most important, builds what I call “staying power.” Music is often the first artistic activity that makes a child realize he must work hard to accomplish what he wants.

當Mai還只是個小baby時, 我們就發覺到她非常喜歡音樂和舞蹈. 在下面附載的影片便是她的新作. 我們同時發現到當她不停的唱中文兒童歌時, 她的中文也漸漸在進步中. 我們真的非常鼓勵每一個父母花時間和你們的孩子一起唱歌或跳舞. 當你們花時間陪伴孩子唱歌和跳舞, 不但會增進親子感情, 更對他們是影響巨深.

Mai's new performance之Haru無影腳


Pay Day

Thanks for Hiro's hard working. We all enjoy the treat on the pay day. We order a plate of special sushi to eat in this month. (Mai's face was something wrong due to the unknown allergy.)

感謝Hiro辛勤的工作養家, 我們真的非常喜歡每一次薪水來臨的日子. 這個月我們訂了可口的sushi慶祝喔! (Mai的臉腫腫的, 不知道是什麼過敏源.)

What a yummy food!


6 months old---感冒bye bye!








This is hardest month for me and Haru. It's his first time to catch a cold and also the first time that he doesn't have a good appetite for two weeks long. Whatever I try to feed him, he seems very unhappy with any milk and food. Finally, he got well and started to drink the milk two days ago. I'm so glad that he is so healthy again.



When Mai was sick, I was a great mommy and I could take care of her so well.
When Mai and Haru both were sick, I really miss my own mommy that I wish she would be here with me.

This is the first year for all of us experiencing spring term in Tokyo. The weather is really unstable in these few weeks. The kids are so sick in this week and they just don't want to stay in their beds. During day time, they are just fine and ok to play most of the time. Indeed, they have high fever, they still keep playing and acting like they are in a good condition. When the time comes to the evening and bed time, they act totally different from they were in the morning. I could not sleep well in these few days and just feel so tired to do anything. At this moment, I really miss my mom and wish she could come over to help me out. I pray so hard to Heavenly Father and wish he would take the cold away from kids soon.

一個孩子生病時, 我真的是個好媽咪!
兩個孩子一起生病時, 我真的好想念我媽咪喔!
整個寒冷的冬天, Mai and Haru是那麼的ok!
但是一到了春天, 兩個孩子反而輪流在感冒.
他們發著燒卻不想乖乖躺著休息, 照樣玩玩具,
真的是我的媽咪啊! 真希望阿嬤會在我身邊幫我一下!