
Sakura Trip...櫻花出遊記

On one of the April holidays, we went for the Sakura trip in the senzokuike in Tokyo. It's our first time to join the Sakura season in Japan. Mai was pretty excited to feed the fish and bird. It's so amazing to see how God creates such beautiful flowers in this world. I also admire Japanese people that they care about their enviornment so much. Most of people came for the Sakura trip today brought their own food or BBQ nearby the senzokuike. However, they cleaned up well when they left. Although I suffered from pollen sickness, I did enjoy seeing all the beautiful Sakura.

我們一家大小來到東京的洗足池畔,在四月的某個假期中. 這是我們家第一次欣賞漂亮的櫻花,櫻花的顏色是Mai最喜歡的pink. 她一直要求我們幫她摘一朵,但我覺得怪怪地,大家都在賞花,如果伸手去摘花就太沒公德心啦.......:p
洗足池畔附近的房子都很像是歐洲的別墅,有很特別的歐風小露台, 大門上還有那種電影中看的到的復古燈, 真的很像是我們玩芭比娃娃屋的那種房子.
在池畔的兩旁可以BBQ和野餐,很多家庭或是朋友群們都會帶野餐墊然後坐在櫻花樹下賞景. 雖然我們也非常想野餐但礙於Haru還小,我們這趟真的純賞櫻花.
Mai and Daddy也把洗足池畔中的魚都餵得飽飽的. Mai真的很喜歡fish,每次魚群一靠近她就會又叫又跳的.
能在忙碌的大城市中, 忙裡偷閒一下真的非常好.



It's always good to take a nap with kids together. I used to make Mai to have a nap every afternoon. However, she stops taking a nap in this year. Now, she wakes up early in the morning around 7 or 7:45 am and she will stay up until 8:00 pm. Sometimes, she will take a small nap with Haru. However, it will be so hard for us to put her bed again during the night.
As Haru, he still take about two to three naps a day. When he takes a nap, Mai and I will read books, play disney house website, or watching DVD together. Most of the time, we will rush to grocery store and get some food for lunch and dinner. Since I ride a bike to shop for groceries, it's much easier to take one child with me.
Anyway, I just wana say that I miss taking a nap with both of them together. They are so cute whenever they lie down together to play..........:p

能和孩子們一起睡午覺真的是超幸福的. 因為我終於可以從忙碌的一大早到下午,稍稍休息喘口氣一下. 可惜的是, Mai今年開始不太有睡午覺的習慣了.
Haru還是維持一天小睡2~3次的習慣. 他是屬於早睡早醒型的baby. 晚上大概7~8點前一定會睡著,然後一覺到天亮6~7點.
Anyway, 當我看到他們躺在一起玩的時候, 我真的覺得他們很可愛. 如果他們可以玩一玩後,又一起睡著那真的是太完美了.
現在我常希望有個神燈讓我許一個願望就好,我不要很多的錢,不要房子,我只希望有時間讓我好好睡一場好覺或是有一個下午什麼都不做,就躺在床上就好. 真是奢侈的願望..........:p
Hiro常跟我說我們很好命,當我們40歲出頭,孩子們都快19~20了,那時他們都求學去,會不常在我們身邊了,我們的時間將會多到用不完. 想想Hiro的話真是沒錯,我們熬到40歲就輕鬆了,往後還有大半的人生能讓我們揮霍,想來就覺得現在的辛苦沒關悉了. 我那個時候應該會超想念有孩子們在身邊圍繞的日子吧!


New Family Pictures

Well, since I don't have much to write,I guess I can just put some funny pictures of our family here.....:p
These pictures were taken over a week ago. Whenever I look at all the pictures, I just thought Mai,Haru and Hiro are such funny and loved family members. I enjoy being with them each single day.

這星期真的沒什麼好寫的. 不過有一大堆家庭的生活照,就當作是新的update吧!

Mai's new wedding dress


Mai dressed Haru as a "BRIDE"

笑得好開心的Haru "新娘"子

Daddy and his little princess

Panda Haru





7 months old......好動的Haru

Haru really like to shower in this month, especially he loves to splash the water every where inside the bethroom. He enjoys watching the water splashed out of his beth tub and then he will give me a sweet smile.......:p
Now, he even tries to climb out of his beth tub. It's just so funny to see how hard he tries to climb in his small tub. Hopefully, he can sit by his own soon so that mommy can put him in the big tub. Since Mai has so many beth toys, it will be so fun to shower Mai and Haru at the same time. Mommy just cannot wait to take Haru and Mai swimming in the poor.
It's just so amazing to see how a baby grows up so much in such short time. He was a tiny baby that we worried about his size a lot. Now, he turns to become a healthy and happy baby. We just enjoy being with him so much. He is such a great son and we love him. Every night when daddy comes home, he always smiles to Hiro and waves his hands up and down. He seems to know how to welcome daddy home. When Mai sings and dances in front of Haru, he also gives his best to support Mai by kicking his feet and laughing loudly. Whenever mommy smiles to Haru, he always returns back a sweet smile.
Dear Haru:
Daddy loves you.
Mai loves you.
Mommy loves you.
Heavenly Father loves you.
Taipei grandparents love you.
Japan grandparents love you.
We all love you.

好動的Haru真的邁入7個月了. 真的很不可思議去看一個baby在很短的時間中成長和變化. 他現在非常喜歡洗澡. 尤其是不停地揮動雙手拍打水,把mommy都潑得濕濕的. 然後他會自己一直笑一直笑. 當他剛出生時,他真的好小好小一隻, 連醫生都覺得很不可思議, 在胎盤長得不健全下, 他還能一點一滴的吸收到一些養分,然後平安得從mommy得肚子裡碰出來,加入我們的家庭.醫生告訴mommy和台北阿嬤說, 他能活著出生真的是奇蹟.
我們的家庭變得比以往還忙碌,姊姊Mai也還在適應這個弟弟得到來,Amy媽咪常常是忙到手忙腳亂的地步,老爸Hiro更是辛苦,很想多陪陪Haru但又得在外努力賺錢養家,但說真的多個Haru還真棒! 我們都很愛他.尤其是他baby的笑聲,常常逗的大家都好開心.多個小孩,多份辛苦,也多了很多教養的責任,不過他們真的是太可愛了.


He tried to climb out of his tub


按摩時間---Massage Time

Sweet Smile

長大了---Grow up so much



Mai proposes to Hi-chan---不得了了!

Never think that she is going to be some one's bride in a such young age. Never think that she proposed to a young man by herself. I worry her.......Hiro worries her............:p
Someday Mai will marry to a great guy and build her own eternal family. We will miss our little princess so bad........:p

PS:Hi-chan was Mai's best playmate when they were both lived in Hawaii. He is 9 months older than Mai. Currently, he lives in Taiwan with his parents. Mai misses him a lot and still remember the time they had in Hawaii.

真的沒想過她會想當新娘子, 尤其是她現在還那麼小.

PS: Hi-chan是Mai最好的玩伴.他們都是在Hawaii出生的孩子.目前Hi-chan和他的家人住在台灣. Mai非常想念他和那些美好的時光當他們還都住在Hawaii時.

Thanksgiving Party at BYU-H in2006

Mai's Happy 2 B-day Party in Japan in 2007

Mai and Hi (B-day Party in Japan)

Mai and Hi in Japan (2007)



加上我們家特製的一些message cards和教會的cards,

我們收到了一盒從Loft店來的外國餅乾, 是樓下友善且包容我們的大類家庭給的.
後門對面的高橋家庭給我們好吃的日本Milk chocolate,
後巷的小杉奶奶更妙, 直接栽她種的花給我們, 更帶來一袋好大包的草莓,
住在隔壁的房東會田家庭送我們好吃的Hawaiian chocolate,
然而我們收到的卻是滿滿的愛, 從鄰居們來的.

神奇地記得我們家兩個孩子的名子, (他們不太記得別人家孩子的名子)

天父,先知, 和教會領袖們都一直告訴我們,



Daddy and his princess---舞初長成

Before we went out to Church today, Hiro was playing and singing with Mai. I thought both of them were so cute, so I wanted to put them on here.

"Do you think Mai can marry right after she finishes high school?" I asked Hiro once.
"No. She cannot marry after finishing the college." Hiro replied.

What a funny answer that Hiro gave to me! When we married in Hawaii, I was only 21 years old. Now, he thought that it's too early to marry while Mai's still in the college. I worry the day when there are guys chasing after Mai. Maybe Hiro will prepare a gun and wait in the front door every single day........:p

As long as Hiro lives,
Mai will always be his princess.

"我們家女兒高中畢業後應該就可以結婚了?" 有一天我心血來潮的問Hiro.
"不行! 在怎麼樣都必須唸完大學後, 才可以論及婚嫁." Hiro回答我.

想想覺得Hiro得回答很妙, 因為我們當年再夏威夷結婚時, 我也才剛滿21歲沒多久. 現在當Daddy的他竟然覺得我們家女兒得完成學業才可以嫁人去. 老實說, 真擔心當有一群男生追Mai追的很勤的日子, 我想我們家的Daddy應該會準備好一把槍, 然後每天站在前門等待吧!



Charity is the pure love of Christ

I cry........and you? (Update from Yahoo News)

虐兒致死稱遭擄 父母吃官司
更新日期:2008/04/04 04:32 李文輝桃園報導

Both the Apostle Paul and the prophet Mormon taught us about charity and they remind us that “charity is the pure love of Christ”, “Charity never faileth”, and “rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. Prophet Golden B. Hinckley once told us that charity is not only a helpful gospel principle—it is the gospel and because of it the Atonement was made and everlasting.
I have a strong testimony and feel blessed that God has given us earthly bodies and created this world for us so that we may practice pure love to one another.

Prophet Golden B. Hinckley taught us that “Pure love is the only force that can erase the difference between people and only the charity, pure love will soften our hearts to treat each one of us with generosity and love and respect.

On my graduation in 2004, December, Prophet Golden B. Hinckley came to BYU-H. He not only complimented our efforts on schoolings, and he also encouraged all the graduates to fill with love and carry charity to open new journey. He told us that when we finish our earthly work, a charitable nature will still be the most important trait we take with us. Moroni explained, “Except men shall have charity they cannot inherit that place which thou hast prepared in the mansions of thy Father” (
Ether 12:34).

To practice charity outside of the house is easier than inside the house. I just realized that I made so many mistakes as a parent. I forget to accept and love unconditionally, looking forward with an eye of faith toward what my family members may become. I forget the mission that Heavenly Father has asked me to do that is help my husband and kids to realize their potential. When I am over tired, I forget that “Pure love is patient and suffereth long. I forget to control my temper and possess my own soul in patience. I come to realize that I should regard charity as a daily homework and exercise it day by day.

President Joseph F. Smith counseled us that: “However wayward [children] might be, when you speak or talk to them, do it not in anger, do it not harshly, in a condemning spirit. Speak to them kindly; get them down and weep with them if necessary and get them to shed tears with you if possible. Soften their hearts; get them to feel tenderly toward you. Use no lash and no violence, but … approach them with reason, with persuasion and love unfeigned” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th edition [1939], 316).
“You will observe that the most potent influence over the mind of a child to persuade it to learn, to progress, or to accomplish anything, is the influence of love” (Gospel Doctrine, 294).
Prophet Mormon urges us to “pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart that we may be filled with this love, and we may become the sons of God. We will recognize the Savior fully is to become like Him. Not only our features is the way to recognize our Savior, but also to recognize His spirit (Moro. 7:48).
After reading the news above, I am shocked by the parents' wrong attidute and behavior. An innocent and pure baby was gone, and he didn't even have a chance to grow up and experience this world. I'm not a perfect mommy and I am still learning how to be a "super" mommy. However, I truly know and feel grateful for having my earthly body and came to this earth so that I can have a period of time in learning how to become a better person, a mommy, a wife, a friend, a celestial sister and a loving heavenly parent.
To all the parents:
Love your children! Love your children! Love your children.


Happy B-day to all of you---April friends

4/15---Kazumi Tomoi (Father-in-law)
Thank you so much for always helping us out. Thank you for being so nice to the children. Thanks for trying so hard to communicate with me in English. Although we have many different points of views on most of the things, I do respect yoou as a great father-in-law. All of us miss you a lot. Wish you have a wonderful B-day.

4/20---Brain Chie
Long time no see! How are you and your family? Thank you for being so nice and kind to me when we were at BYU-H. Thank you for always there to help me when I was in need. Wish you happy B-day.

4/21---Laura Chen
Don't know how to express all my feelings well. We have been friends for 6 years already. Can you believe that we didn't even want to talk to each other the first time when we met?! 謝謝妳總是陪伴我, 聆聽我的抱怨. 謝謝妳每次都提前來幫我一起準備party的食物. 謝謝妳都一直記得給Mai準備每一年的X'mas Present. 更感謝妳在天父的家中陪伴我經歷人生中第一次的恩道門. You know what?! Welcome to visit us anytime. You will always be our favorite guest. Happy B-day, girl!

4/23---Sherry Lai
Hello, Jasper's mommy! 妳真的是我見過最用心的媽咪. 我真的是很汗顏. 妳也是我認識所有朋友中最自律又努力的好榜樣. 感謝妳的好榜樣, 幫助我時時想到神. 我們一定會全家大小帶去H.K拜訪妳們的. Hiroshi loves H.K and the food. He always wants to visit you and Jones so bad. Wish we would meet again soon. Happy B-day! 加油, 辛苦的媽咪.

4/28---Kazuto Makani Yamada
I never met you; however, I think about you often. I am so happy to hear that you are such a healthy and chubby boy.

4/30---Kouma Pono Yamada
Boy! You turns to 3. Time passes so fast that I still remember the very first you were born at Kahuku Hospital. You were such tiny little one and sleeping in the baby bed peacefully. You have a brave mommy that she didn't even yell out when she felt the contraction. I did enjoy to baby-sit you when we were living at TVA. Happy B-day!

4/30---Ann Sao
我們真的很瘋在S.H時.妳的涼鞋真的非常cool, 一輩子都忘不了妳不穿校鞋的日子. 說實在的, 妳跳的熱舞比我還棒100倍. 我很想念我們都還在女校的日子. 將來我們也一起把我們的寶貝女兒們送到S.H去, 讓她們體驗一下我們的快樂. I miss you and happy b-day, girl.