It's always good to take a nap with kids together. I used to make Mai to have a nap every afternoon. However, she stops taking a nap in this year. Now, she wakes up early in the morning around 7 or 7:45 am and she will stay up until 8:00 pm. Sometimes, she will take a small nap with Haru. However, it will be so hard for us to put her bed again during the night.
As Haru, he still take about two to three naps a day. When he takes a nap, Mai and I will read books, play disney house website, or watching DVD together. Most of the time, we will rush to grocery store and get some food for lunch and dinner. Since I ride a bike to shop for groceries, it's much easier to take one child with me.
Anyway, I just wana say that I miss taking a nap with both of them together. They are so cute whenever they lie down together to play..........:p
As Haru, he still take about two to three naps a day. When he takes a nap, Mai and I will read books, play disney house website, or watching DVD together. Most of the time, we will rush to grocery store and get some food for lunch and dinner. Since I ride a bike to shop for groceries, it's much easier to take one child with me.
Anyway, I just wana say that I miss taking a nap with both of them together. They are so cute whenever they lie down together to play..........:p
能和孩子們一起睡午覺真的是超幸福的. 因為我終於可以從忙碌的一大早到下午,稍稍休息喘口氣一下. 可惜的是, Mai今年開始不太有睡午覺的習慣了.
Haru還是維持一天小睡2~3次的習慣. 他是屬於早睡早醒型的baby. 晚上大概7~8點前一定會睡著,然後一覺到天亮6~7點.
Anyway, 當我看到他們躺在一起玩的時候, 我真的覺得他們很可愛. 如果他們可以玩一玩後,又一起睡著那真的是太完美了.
現在我常希望有個神燈讓我許一個願望就好,我不要很多的錢,不要房子,我只希望有時間讓我好好睡一場好覺或是有一個下午什麼都不做,就躺在床上就好. 真是奢侈的願望..........:p
Hiro常跟我說我們很好命,當我們40歲出頭,孩子們都快19~20了,那時他們都求學去,會不常在我們身邊了,我們的時間將會多到用不完. 想想Hiro的話真是沒錯,我們熬到40歲就輕鬆了,往後還有大半的人生能讓我們揮霍,想來就覺得現在的辛苦沒關悉了. 我那個時候應該會超想念有孩子們在身邊圍繞的日子吧!
是啊~四十幾歲的你們可能也作Grandparents囉!但時含飴弄孫也幸福地閒不下來! : )
I may also fly back to Hawaii and help out Mai when she has her first baby. Well, I'm really excited to be a grandma.
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