
7 months old......好動的Haru

Haru really like to shower in this month, especially he loves to splash the water every where inside the bethroom. He enjoys watching the water splashed out of his beth tub and then he will give me a sweet smile.......:p
Now, he even tries to climb out of his beth tub. It's just so funny to see how hard he tries to climb in his small tub. Hopefully, he can sit by his own soon so that mommy can put him in the big tub. Since Mai has so many beth toys, it will be so fun to shower Mai and Haru at the same time. Mommy just cannot wait to take Haru and Mai swimming in the poor.
It's just so amazing to see how a baby grows up so much in such short time. He was a tiny baby that we worried about his size a lot. Now, he turns to become a healthy and happy baby. We just enjoy being with him so much. He is such a great son and we love him. Every night when daddy comes home, he always smiles to Hiro and waves his hands up and down. He seems to know how to welcome daddy home. When Mai sings and dances in front of Haru, he also gives his best to support Mai by kicking his feet and laughing loudly. Whenever mommy smiles to Haru, he always returns back a sweet smile.
Dear Haru:
Daddy loves you.
Mai loves you.
Mommy loves you.
Heavenly Father loves you.
Taipei grandparents love you.
Japan grandparents love you.
We all love you.

好動的Haru真的邁入7個月了. 真的很不可思議去看一個baby在很短的時間中成長和變化. 他現在非常喜歡洗澡. 尤其是不停地揮動雙手拍打水,把mommy都潑得濕濕的. 然後他會自己一直笑一直笑. 當他剛出生時,他真的好小好小一隻, 連醫生都覺得很不可思議, 在胎盤長得不健全下, 他還能一點一滴的吸收到一些養分,然後平安得從mommy得肚子裡碰出來,加入我們的家庭.醫生告訴mommy和台北阿嬤說, 他能活著出生真的是奇蹟.
我們的家庭變得比以往還忙碌,姊姊Mai也還在適應這個弟弟得到來,Amy媽咪常常是忙到手忙腳亂的地步,老爸Hiro更是辛苦,很想多陪陪Haru但又得在外努力賺錢養家,但說真的多個Haru還真棒! 我們都很愛他.尤其是他baby的笑聲,常常逗的大家都好開心.多個小孩,多份辛苦,也多了很多教養的責任,不過他們真的是太可愛了.


He tried to climb out of his tub


按摩時間---Massage Time

Sweet Smile

長大了---Grow up so much


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