
Happy B-day to all of you---May friends

生日快樂. 真的好久都沒看到你了, 相信你的工作一定很忙碌. 感謝你在11年前撿到我, 想來真的覺得我超lucky的. 你不但沒把我賣掉,還教我很多我當時不懂得事情和道理. 很感謝你的幫忙和疼愛. 我很想念你, 希望你生日快樂, 健康平安.

佩服你想朝外科這條路來發展的精神. 也敬佩你的求學能力. 相信你一定會是個好棒的外科醫生.

Happy Happy B-day. How are you? 元氣? いつもありがとう。おたんじょうびおめでとです。とうきょに、きてくたさい。I'll work hard to type more Japanese in the future. Hopefully, we will meet again soon.

哇! 妳3歲了, 真的好開心喔! 懷胎10月然後在Kahuku出生的妳要3歲了. 好多話Mommy 想跟妳說,好多事mommy想跟妳分享, 但我最想說的是, 能當妳的mommy和朋友真的很幸福. 我愛妳,寶貝Mai.

我到今年才發現你和我女兒同一天生日. 希望我的女兒將來也會和你一樣優秀. 祝福你的工作和事業都順利. 生日快樂.

生日快樂. 從小到大妳都一直是那麼的cute. 雖然妳是我們這群自稱七朵花中最年長的, 但妳卻是個頭最嬌小玲瓏的白衣天使. 趕快和妳的弟兄來東京玩, 我們很想念妳........p

We miss all the yummy yummy food that you made for us. We miss your friendly smile. Happy B-day. Thank you for your great example that you taught me to be a strong and tender woman. When you come back to Japan, let's meet in Tokyo again.

What a nice sister you are! Thank you for picking up so many cute dresses for Mai. She loves all the dresses that you and Dollymom sent to us. Time surly passes so fast that you are 15 years old already. When I first met you, you were only 8 years old and we loved to sleep together. We loved to chart and chart until Dollymom came to us not to talk any more. I miss you so bad. Just wana let you know that you are such a nice sister and Antie. I love you and wish you would come to visit me and my family soon.

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