我也要吃, 姊姊!
I also want to eat!
Since Mai was born in Hawaii, she just enjoys being in the hot weather. She was so unhappy during the past few months because it was such a cold winter for her and all of us. Mai and I also had lots of arguments in these few months. The longer she stayed in the house, the more she would show out her impatience and short temper. It's just impossible to keep Mai stay at home all the time. Although I really wanted to take her go out and play in the park, the weather was too cold for baby Haru.
Fortunately, the weather in this week is getting hotter. I just cannot wait to take both of Mai and Haru out for a half day trip in Lazona Mall. Mai was so happy to eat yummy strawberry icecream and Haru was also pleased with a new environment. To be able to enjoy such shiny day with two of them is so awesome. I love summer time.
可能Mai是在熱帶島嶼出生的孩子,她真的非常不喜歡寒冷的天氣.在過去的幾個月中,她都非常不快樂, 總覺得關她在家裡面太久了. 她真的很想到外面去盡情的騎腳踏車, 更想到公園去跑跑, 可惜天氣真的是太寒冷了, 對baby Haru來說真的還滿辛苦的, 得陪著姊姊在外吹風, 而我也擔心他們會著涼. 不過這星期的天氣真的很棒. 趁著好天氣, 我帶她們兩姊弟到家里附近的Mall去逛逛, 順便買當季的草莓冰淇淋給Mai吃. Mai真的是開心到不行, 還順便讓她去Disney Store 晃晃, 而Haru也是非常enjoy在Mall逛街的悠閒. 我真的只能說夏天快來吧! 我們都愛死夏天了.........:p
好喜歡來逛你的網頁,每次逛心中都會有很多感動,記得第一次見到你你才剛從high school畢業,對未來有很多的憧憬,and then--結婚了--有了兩個可愛的寶貝,或許你沒法外出工作但你選擇了一個最偉大的事業Motherhood!我從你女兒的笑容中知道你一定是個非常棒的媽媽喔!嫁那麼遠自己要好好照顧自己,如果有回來台灣一定要跟我連絡,我再帶你們去吃好料的阿Ashley
好久沒見到妳了!好開心妳會上來看看我們的家庭日誌.真的時光飛逝,我們都從BYU-H畢業好久了喔!好想念在Iosepa St.的生活.真的只能說我們好幸運住到那麼棒的房子呢!Welcome to Japan anytime. We love to have you and your honey around.
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