I was busy to pack all the things for going back to Taiwan. At the same time, Mai and Haru were busy for playing and enjoying the summer in Japan. I wish I could just sit down for a while and not worry about the stuff that I need to bring back to Taiwan.
當我忙的不可開交的準備行李回台灣時,兩個小傢伙也同時玩的超盡興的. 真希望我也能坐下來休息一會而,好好享受一下在日本的夏天. 等我們回來後,日本又會是冷冷的冬天了.
A letter to my b-day boy, Haru.
時間真的過好快.這大概是Mommy 最常對你的話吧! 從懷你挺著你到L.A.把你生出來,再把你帶回台灣,又匆匆忙忙地帶你回來日本,你人生中的前兩個月,都是在起飛,下降,打包,離開,著陸中渡過的.我一直覺得好抱歉,因為你是第二個孩子了,mommy對好多baby的第一次已經不再那麼的新鮮和好奇,總覺得就是應該會這麼順其自然的發生和成長. 只是自然地在經驗比較多之下,會疏忽了你的很多第一次和第一步.
但是mommy很為你感到驕傲,你的個性和脾氣都是那麼的真和好相處. 看mommy累了,小小年紀的你都會給mommy很棒的擁抱和kiss. 我常常在想,好感謝天父把你送來我們的家庭中,好感謝你是我們家第二個baby,所以你能忍受很多mommy的粗心,姊姊的吃醋,和daddy的忙碌.
在你生日的今天, daddy也特別排了假期要陪伴你. 天氣好好,我們一起去了鄰近的動物園玩,你好盡興的看那些動物們. 你笑的很開懷也很乖的坐在娃娃車上,當我們把你放下來時,你也東指西指地告訴我們你眼中看到的驚奇和新鮮. 雖然你還不會正確的表達你想說的話,不過mommy看著你的表情和動作就能猜出你小小腦袋裡的話語.
Mommy真的好喜歡你天真的笑容和可愛的笑聲. 雖然我們才短短相處這1年的時間,但是我好期待未來上幼稚園的你會是怎樣的調皮男生,上中學的你會是個怎樣和我對抗要隱私的男孩,上高中的你會是怎樣叛逆不羈的你,上了大學出社會又會是怎樣跟著別的女孩屁股後面跑的男人. 我知道總有一天你會離開mommy的身邊去享受你自己的家庭生活,我知道有一天我會想念抱在我懷中的你,我知道有一天我會好希望你偶而回家來看看mommy,但是我想告訴你,mommy永遠都會愛你. 永遠都會像現在一樣把你抱緊緊地. 生日快樂,未來還好長,我們一起加油努力,我親愛的兒子.
Happy 1 year old B-day. (Part 2)
Instead of having a party at home this time for Haru, we go out for a nice dinner. Actually, I really think that mommy should get a break from kids' B-day. The b-day of Mai and Haru were mommy's hard days.
Happy 1 year old B-day, Haru. (Part 1)
We spend time in the Zoo which is nearby our home in the morning. Daddy is off for Haru's B-day. The weather is just so great and we all enjoy for a bike- riding to Zoo.
GOTCHA! 捉到你囉!
Recently, daddy and I found some cooked rice on the floor. The first thought came up to my mind was a mouse. Well, I'm not a neat person, but I'm also not too lazy to clean up our small home. I just hated to think that we are having a rat at home with us. I made up so many stories that what if a mouse came inside our bedroom and slep with us during the night time. Or what if it just simplely ate all the food that we had in the storage box. Or even stole some food on the dinner table. The worse part was a mouse is not only one alone with us. Instead, it may bring its' family and friends to our home as well. I just cannot stand that we are having a mouse at home with us for 24 hours.
Then, just as "it" was about to eat the cooked rice again.........Gotcha!
Then, just as "it" was about to eat the cooked rice again.........Gotcha!
最近我和daddy常常在地板上採到煮熟的米. 第一個想法快速飛到我腦海中是一隻老鼠. 老實說我真的不是個很整潔又乾淨的人, 但當然我也不是懶散到不整理和打掃房子. 畢竟我們家還有兩個小朋友成天坐在地板上玩. 我就是不能不去想也許我們老舊的房子裡,真的有小老鼠的存在. 我真的很害怕牠會爬進來我們的房間. 也很擔心牠會偷吃我們儲存的食物.更令我憂心的是牠大概也會偷吃我們餐桌上的飯菜. 更恐怖的是, 牠可能不是只有一個牠, 牠的家人和朋友都有可能跟我們一起擠在這小小的房子裡.
就在這個時候, 當"牠"又要偷吃我煮好的飯...........捉到你囉!
結婚5週年慶 (China Town Trip)
6/07/2008 結婚5週年啦!
We went to China Town in Yokohama together with two kids and my mother-in-law.
Since I miss Taiwanese food so much, we had a great lunch in the China Town. Then, my mother-in-law took care of kids in the Yamashita Park while Hiro and me for a nice walk. We really enjoyed being with family on this special day for me and Hiro. Later the night, Hiro and I also spent some more time alone and watch a nice movie.
Time flies so fast that we have been married for 5 years already. Hiro is such a great husband and daddy. I don't know how to spend the rest of my life without being with him. Guess, I will always love to open my eyes and see him sleeping right beside me every single morning.
Me and Hiro now are not only husband and wife, but also best friends to each other.
I love Hiro and he will always be a No. 1 in my heart.
We went to China Town in Yokohama together with two kids and my mother-in-law.
Since I miss Taiwanese food so much, we had a great lunch in the China Town. Then, my mother-in-law took care of kids in the Yamashita Park while Hiro and me for a nice walk. We really enjoyed being with family on this special day for me and Hiro. Later the night, Hiro and I also spent some more time alone and watch a nice movie.
Time flies so fast that we have been married for 5 years already. Hiro is such a great husband and daddy. I don't know how to spend the rest of my life without being with him. Guess, I will always love to open my eyes and see him sleeping right beside me every single morning.
Me and Hiro now are not only husband and wife, but also best friends to each other.
I love Hiro and he will always be a No. 1 in my heart.
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