
Happy 1 year old B-day. (Part 2)

Instead of having a party at home this time for Haru, we go out for a nice dinner. Actually, I really think that mommy should get a break from kids' B-day. The b-day of Mai and Haru were mommy's hard days.


Mai, Daddy and Haru. My lovely family.

Mai cannot wait to eat. 等不及要吃了.

Drink, drink, and drink. 好好喝!

Haru is so happy to receive the Anpanman pillow. 好開心終於拿到麵包超人枕頭的Haru.

Touch again and again. 東摸摸西摸摸.

Can I open now? 可以開禮物了嗎?

My cake?! 小蛋糕來了!

Haru cannot wait to eat his own cake. 等不及啦! 要開動了.

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