Recently, daddy and I found some cooked rice on the floor. The first thought came up to my mind was a mouse. Well, I'm not a neat person, but I'm also not too lazy to clean up our small home. I just hated to think that we are having a rat at home with us. I made up so many stories that what if a mouse came inside our bedroom and slep with us during the night time. Or what if it just simplely ate all the food that we had in the storage box. Or even stole some food on the dinner table. The worse part was a mouse is not only one alone with us. Instead, it may bring its' family and friends to our home as well. I just cannot stand that we are having a mouse at home with us for 24 hours.
Then, just as "it" was about to eat the cooked rice again.........Gotcha!
Then, just as "it" was about to eat the cooked rice again.........Gotcha!
最近我和daddy常常在地板上採到煮熟的米. 第一個想法快速飛到我腦海中是一隻老鼠. 老實說我真的不是個很整潔又乾淨的人, 但當然我也不是懶散到不整理和打掃房子. 畢竟我們家還有兩個小朋友成天坐在地板上玩. 我就是不能不去想也許我們老舊的房子裡,真的有小老鼠的存在. 我真的很害怕牠會爬進來我們的房間. 也很擔心牠會偷吃我們儲存的食物.更令我憂心的是牠大概也會偷吃我們餐桌上的飯菜. 更恐怖的是, 牠可能不是只有一個牠, 牠的家人和朋友都有可能跟我們一起擠在這小小的房子裡.
就在這個時候, 當"牠"又要偷吃我煮好的飯...........捉到你囉!
我們真的是被他笑死了. 他真的太愛吃了.
ㄚ琪最近在翻譯這一段文章時:『Connection Gotcha: If you create two connections, but both use the same userid and password, PHP will share the same connection. This can cause problems if the connections are meant to different databases. The solution is to always use different userid's for different databases, or use NConnect(). 』
看到Connection Gotcha這個詞還真不知怎麼翻好,你有好的建議嗎?
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