
Norovirus...not fun at all. 生病的一週.



Aloha Friday和週末都要來了,



A happy outdoor day

Last week had been a wonderful week for all of us. Although the weather was cold, the entire week had not rained. Each day we spent some time in the afternoon to enjoy some outdoor activities. Mai loved to ride her own pink bike and Haru also enjoyed his little Anpanman car. Mayu did not bring her own bike on that day we went out for fun. I let Mayu ride Mai's little Anpanman bike for fun. Three of them had a wonderful time.

上個星期真的很棒,雖然日本的天氣已經非常寒冷了,但只要不下雨,出太陽,對我這個台灣長大的孩子就是一個很大的祝福了. 當天氣很棒時(不下雨時),我就會維持我們在夏威夷的習慣,讓孩子們到外面去跑跑享受一下戶外的活動. Mai很喜歡騎她生日時得到的粉紅色的腳踏車. Haru也很愛他的麵包超人的小車子. Mayu那天並沒有帶她自己的Pooh的腳踏車,所以我讓她使用小號一點的麵包超人的腳踏車. 她們真的玩的很盡興.

Haru, Mayu, and Mai.

A windy day! 風很大的一天.

Haru and Mai both rode their own bikes. 兩姊弟各騎著他們自己的車子.

漂亮的甜椒 from our neighbor.

Beautiful flowers.

Kosuki grandmom and Haru.

Pull! 拔囉!

Can you reach them? 摸的到嗎?


Haru's latest.............Haru的近況

When I'm busy to cook dinner for my family. At the same time, Haru is also busy to fix something for himself. See! He is such a great cook that he knows to mix all the food together and stir them properly. Making loud noise is so much fun for him. I guess that he may turn out to be a good cook in the future.

當我很忙碌地在準備晚餐的同時, Haru也是非常忙碌地再準備他自己的食物. 看他有模有樣地把食物混在一起,再翻翻炒炒地,真的像是個小小廚師. 也許將來他也會變成一個很棒的大廚師吧!

Stir and make loud noise! 炒菜可以盡情的大聲敲!

See! Mommy, I'm gona cook for you. 媽咪,我要煮飯給你吃喔!

Haru enjoys cooking for us.


Mai's latest...........Mai的近況

Right after we came back from Taiwan, Mai kept asking us buying Clay toy set for her to play. She really likes to create many animals or food figures in different colors. Now, she also likes to draw. Mai and I really enjoy being together to do some artworks whenever Haru is sleeping.

自從我們從台灣回來日本後, Mai就一直要求我們幫她買一套黏土的玩具. 我們一直很擔心把任何東西都往嘴裡塞的Haru也會誤吞了黏土,但在Mai的再三保證和要求下(她會在Haru睡覺的時候玩黏土和自己幫忙清理工具),我 們替她買了一套很有趣的黏土玩具. 她很喜歡用不同的顏色來搭配製作不同的動物和食物模型. 她也很愛畫畫. 我和Mai很享受我們兩個人的母女時間做些有趣的勞作. (趁著Haru的兩次午睡的時間).

Her favorie pumpkin. 她畫她的最愛,南瓜燈.

Mai drew a cute doll. Mai畫了一個很可愛的娃娃.

A sad face that she drew. 她畫了一個傷心的臉.

She makes ice-cream. 製作她的最愛冰淇淋.

Mai is making different kinds of food from the clay set.

Making a great cake and some Japanese treats. 完成了一個漂亮的蛋糕和一些日式甜點.

Making and making and more making. 努力的製作她的甜點.

Ready! Go.......! 新的黏土工具.


Little Red Riding Hood

The Komadori Kindergarden provides many pre-events for students-to-be. The following activity is the "Little Red Riding Hood" drama. Mai really enjoys watching all the story. The teachers also speak to the students-to-be and parents. I really like this kindergarden that Hiro and I chose for Mai. Although school doesn't yet start until April, 2009. Mai already cannot wait to attend school and be with her new classmates.

我們前往Mai將要就讀的幼稚園參加活動. 這間幼稚園很特別,雖然明年4月開學,但是校方為了讓這些新生們能及早適應學校的生活, 在正式註冊後這半年間中,每個月都有很多大小不同的活動提供給要入學的新生們和家長. 以下的短片都是11/18/08這天的活動所拍攝的. 我們家姊姊真的很幸運可以順利排到這間超人氣的Komadori幼稚園. 她在看完了劇團表演的"小紅帽"後告訴我們說, 她很想快快上學,跟大家一起座娃娃車,享受學校提供的午餐.


Mai's future preschool-Komadori kindergarden

School's Name. 學校的名字.

"Little Red Riding Hood". "小紅帽"

Mai and Mommy

Mai is playing distraction in the school. 學校操場裡的遊樂設施.

Distraction in the school. 小叮噹的遊樂設施.

Mai and her new friend, Mayu. Mai和她的新朋友,茉弓.

Mayu and Mai. 茉弓和舞.


Random Pictures of the Tomois

We took some family random pictures in these two weeks week. The more we look at our pictures, daddy and I really feel that Mai and Haru grow up so fast. They are happy, sad, fussy, cheerful...and so on. They are not our babies any more. They are ready to show us their emotions. Sometimes, I feel so tried to take care of them 24 hrs/7 days. Sometimes, I just enjoy so much to be with them in every minute. Four of us become a Tomoi family. We are a simple family, but we are happy most of the time. I really wana say thank you to God that daddy and I can be Mai and Haru's parents.

這兩個星期中我們照了一些家庭的生活照. 很普通很平常的照片. 但是當我和daddy越看這些照片,我們就越覺得家裡面的兩個小Tomois長大很多. 兩姊弟也越來越會表達他們之間的情緒. 有時候身為一個媽咪,我覺得非常累和辛苦要照顧他們24小時,7天都不休息的日子. 反觀,有的時候我又非常享受這兩個孩子們帶給我的無限喜悅和快樂. 我們是一個很平凡的4口之家,但是我們很快樂. 我很感謝神,讓我和Hiro能當舞和春的爸爸媽媽.

Just woke up, but wana dress up already's Mai. 剛起床就忙著裝扮的姊姊.

Smile. 扮鬼臉的舞

Hello, mommy! I have a good mood today. 今天心情好的姊姊.

Super Poor Man.

Mai and Mommy.

Mommy, Haru, and Elmo.

What a nice pose. 難得優雅的Haru.

Don't touch me! 姊姊不要抱我啦!

I really wana hug you. 我就是要抱你啦!

Like Father, Like Son. 父子倆(難得照相的爸爸).


I'm a car racer

My boy enjoys all the car toys a lot. He does not like us to put him inside the baby walker; however, he does like a lot to drive it alone. I guess that he may become a skillful car racer.

我們家弟弟很喜歡所有的車子玩具. 不過呢!對於我們把他放置在學步車裡很感冒. 一天心血來潮,把學步車放低,他竟然自己爬進去坐好,像真的在開賽車一樣. 也許將來他真的會成為一個技術高超的開車達人.

Haru with big smile.


Haru and his super car. Haru和他的超級賽車.

Cannot stop laughing......停不下來的笑聲


Christmas is coming soon

I was so surprised that Japanese take so seriously to prepare for the Christmas season. We went to get diapers for Haru on the weekends in the Lazona Mall. There are christmas trees everywhere. Mai and Haru were so excited to see all the beautiful trees. I just cannot wait the Christmas to come. We all love this special holiday.

我真的很驚訝於日本人對聖誕節的重視和喜歡. 我們在這個週末去家裡附近的Lazona Mall晃晃. 發現聖誕樹到處都是,也都佈置的相當漂亮,雖然景氣不好,不過看著孩子們歡欣的眼神和期待,我就真的好享受這個特別的日子.

Mai, Mommy, and Haru.

We all enjoy this beautiful X'mas Tree.

I wana take it back to our home. 想把樹帶回家的Mai.