
Christmas is coming soon

I was so surprised that Japanese take so seriously to prepare for the Christmas season. We went to get diapers for Haru on the weekends in the Lazona Mall. There are christmas trees everywhere. Mai and Haru were so excited to see all the beautiful trees. I just cannot wait the Christmas to come. We all love this special holiday.

我真的很驚訝於日本人對聖誕節的重視和喜歡. 我們在這個週末去家裡附近的Lazona Mall晃晃. 發現聖誕樹到處都是,也都佈置的相當漂亮,雖然景氣不好,不過看著孩子們歡欣的眼神和期待,我就真的好享受這個特別的日子.

Mai, Mommy, and Haru.

We all enjoy this beautiful X'mas Tree.

I wana take it back to our home. 想把樹帶回家的Mai.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very fine......

Amber(怡文) said...

So glad to see your new posts. The kids are so cute. You look really really good too! Post more!!!

Ha-Ja-Ta said...

It has been for a while to update our family things. I'm glad that I could keep the record for all of us.