
I'm a car racer

My boy enjoys all the car toys a lot. He does not like us to put him inside the baby walker; however, he does like a lot to drive it alone. I guess that he may become a skillful car racer.

我們家弟弟很喜歡所有的車子玩具. 不過呢!對於我們把他放置在學步車裡很感冒. 一天心血來潮,把學步車放低,他竟然自己爬進去坐好,像真的在開賽車一樣. 也許將來他真的會成為一個技術高超的開車達人.

Haru with big smile.


Haru and his super car. Haru和他的超級賽車.

Cannot stop laughing......停不下來的笑聲

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