
Little Red Riding Hood

The Komadori Kindergarden provides many pre-events for students-to-be. The following activity is the "Little Red Riding Hood" drama. Mai really enjoys watching all the story. The teachers also speak to the students-to-be and parents. I really like this kindergarden that Hiro and I chose for Mai. Although school doesn't yet start until April, 2009. Mai already cannot wait to attend school and be with her new classmates.

我們前往Mai將要就讀的幼稚園參加活動. 這間幼稚園很特別,雖然明年4月開學,但是校方為了讓這些新生們能及早適應學校的生活, 在正式註冊後這半年間中,每個月都有很多大小不同的活動提供給要入學的新生們和家長. 以下的短片都是11/18/08這天的活動所拍攝的. 我們家姊姊真的很幸運可以順利排到這間超人氣的Komadori幼稚園. 她在看完了劇團表演的"小紅帽"後告訴我們說, 她很想快快上學,跟大家一起座娃娃車,享受學校提供的午餐.


mag said...

it seems like a really cool pre-school...

Ha-Ja-Ta said...

It is a really wonderful pre-school. We all really like it and Mai likes the school system in Japan. Hopefully, she will get to know her new classmates and teachers well.

Ha-Ja-Ta said...

Btw, may I know who you are?!

mag said...

we are maggie and kenny