
Mai's future preschool-Komadori kindergarden

School's Name. 學校的名字.

"Little Red Riding Hood". "小紅帽"

Mai and Mommy

Mai is playing distraction in the school. 學校操場裡的遊樂設施.

Distraction in the school. 小叮噹的遊樂設施.

Mai and her new friend, Mayu. Mai和她的新朋友,茉弓.

Mayu and Mai. 茉弓和舞.


Amber(怡文) said...

The preschool looks so cool and I am sure Mai will have so much fun! What a great adventure she is gonna experience! I don't think I can find anything close to that school here. :(

Ha-Ja-Ta said...

We are lucky to be ablle to get into this special pre-school. The school provides cute lunch boxes for all the students. 真的好可愛的餐盒. 不過我和Hiro真的是花了老命去排隊加入這個學校.關東真的太多學生了.