
The meals on Dec. 31st.

Time passes so fast that today is Japanese New Year Eve. On the last day of each year, family members in Japan will gather together and enjoy big meals. Also, people in Japan will try to stay up late to greet each other on the midnight. Before midnight, moms will prepare Japanese noodles, soba for family members. Then, they will enjoy the noodles before sleeping. Due to our daddy has soba disease, I did not cook soba for all the Tomoi's. Although we did not follow the Japanese culture in New Year exactly, we were so happy that our family could gather together and enjoyed being with each other. (Mai and Haru went to bed before 9 p.m. with me. Only daddy stayed up late alone.) After the dinner, four of us spent some time to play games. Mai loved to play Japanese card games with us. At the same time, Haru was sitting with us and trying to take all the cards from our hands. Before sending kids to the bed, daddy asked us to hold hands together and offered us a wonderful prayer to end the last day of this year. I really felt the spirit and the happiness from botton of my heart. I know there are many challenges in front of us in this coming new year; however, I also believe that Heavenly Father will continue to guid my family in a proper way and help us to overcome all the problems in the future. We had a wonderful New Year Eve in Japan this year. We miss all the family members in Taiwan, Japan, and the States. Wish you all have a great day.

時間真的過的太快了,一年又來到了尾聲了. 今天是日本的除夕夜,傳統上, 家庭的成員們會聚在一起享受這一年的最後一天. 跟我們台灣過新年的文化很類似. 同時在除夕夜的今天, 大部分的日本人也會守歲. 在午夜之前, 媽媽們會準備好過新年用的日本麵, Soba. 然後大家會再午夜整同時享用這日本麵來迎新. 可惜,我們家爸爸患有Soba症, 是一種像是吃多了味精而不舒服的症狀,所以我並沒有特別準備這份日本麵來迎新. 不過我倒是準備了一桌菜餚給我們家大大小小的人享用了一餐他們吃得很開心的年夜飯. 感謝我母親的教導, 讓我的廚藝能進步. 小時後總是見她在過年時,廚房客廳忙進忙出的,今年我自己也是像她一樣. 雖然準備食物的媽媽很辛苦, 不過我終於能明白她在看我們大快朵頤的愉快神情了. 看著我自己的孩子們和先生吃的津津有味地模樣,心裡就很開心. 我們很感謝再2008年裡的最後一天一樣能全家享受美好的時光, 飯後我們和孩子們玩了一些小遊戲,姊姊很喜歡一種日本過年新的卡片遊戲. 弟弟則是懵懵懂懂地在一旁陪我們玩. 在今年的最後一天我們全家也一起手牽手做了一個禱告以做為一天的結束. 我真的從心裡面感覺到神的愛和真正的快樂. 我們真的很感謝天父和這簡單但很棒的美好時光. 願我們深愛的家人們和朋友們也有很棒的除夕夜.

They cannot wait to eat the dinner. 等不及開動的Tomoi's.

The New Year Eve dinner I made. 我準備的除夕夜餐.

Haru enjoyed the crab meat from grandpapa in Gifu.

Mai loved to eat crab so bad. 好愛吃蟹肉的姊姊.

Daddy was busy for taking out the crab meat.

Mai with her happy smile. 滿是笑容的姊姊.

Haru was curious about the foot of the crab. 對蟹腳很好奇的弟弟.

The dinner we had for the last day of the year 2008.

Mai was helping me to prepare for the dinner.

Mai and the half food. 姊姊和完成一半的晚餐.

Our lunch for the last day in 2008.


What do Mai and Haru do for a day?!

Playing time. 遊戲時間.

Mai is happy to play all of her toys. 玩玩具到一半的姊姊.

"I did it, mommy!" Haru 努力把自己擠進很小的籃子裡面.

Meal Time. 吃飯時間.

Surprised from daddy. 被Daddy 嚇一跳的姊姊.

Haru and his favorite Taiwanese food. 弟弟愛吃的台灣料理---小雞腿.

I'll finish it, mommy! 認真啃骨頭的弟弟.

Reading Time. 閱讀時間.

Mai is playing her Shimajiro soft book. 愛玩巧虎玩具書的姊姊.

She loves this book so much. 真的很愛巧虎系列的Mai.

Haru's "You Can Do It" soft book. 弟弟喜愛的生活工具書.

Put the fork on the left of the table. 書本教導他把叉子放在桌子的左邊.


Stone Burg..........yummy!

A few weeks ago, we went to "Stone Burg" for dinner on the weekend. Since we moved back to Japan, I always wanted to try the Japanese steak. The food in the "Stone Burg" was so awesome. We all enjoyed our orders. Next time if you have a chance to visit us, we will definitely take you to "Stone Burg".

幾週前我們的家庭再週末時有了難得的外食機會. 我們前往一家叫做 "Stone Burg"的餐廳享用美日合併的牛排店.老實說,我一直都很想嘗試看看日本煮法所呈現出來的美式牛排. 出乎我的意料之外,份量不但足夠,甚至於對我們來說都還超過我們所能攝取的量. 除此之外, 美味的牛排和配套的料理都非常可口. 下一回如果你們來拜訪我們的家庭,我們一定也會帶你們一起去想用"Stone Burg"的美味料理.

My steak set. 我的日式牛排餐.

Daddy ordered same steak as like my set.跟我一樣的套餐.

Haru and his small plate. 弟弟的小盤子和他的食物.

Mai's child meal. 姊姊點了一份屬於她的兒童套餐.

Mai and daddy. 父女倆很愛坐在一起吃飯.


Merry Christmas!

"Mommy, Hurry! We need to prepare cookies and milk for Santa and all the deers."

Mai is so excited to prepare all the treats for Santa to come. She believes that if we all prepare well and sleep early on the Christmas Eve, then the Santa will bring the present for her and Haru.
It's one of our family's traditional game on the Christmas Eve. It's so fun to see how a little child truly believes Santa and all the deers coming through the sky and dropping presents for children everywhere. I really enjoy Mai's happiness and her pure heart on this season. May she keeps her little wonderful belief as she grows older and older.

"媽咪, 趕快準備好餅乾和牛奶給聖誕老公公."

Mai真的很迫不及待要我拿出之前買好的巧克力餅乾放在我們準備好的盤子上給聖誕老人. 她真的相信如果在聖誕夜裡準備好一些小點心和一杯牛奶, 聖誕老人和他的那些麋鹿們會從天而降然後送禮物給她和Haru.
這是我們家庭的傳統遊戲在聖誕夜裡, 雖然是孩子們的遊戲, 不過真的覺得孩子們的心很美麗和單純. 她們簡單的信念和深切的期待, 每每都讓我很享受和感動. 期許我的女兒和兒子不會因為隨著年紀的增加, 而遺忘和失去了這些美好的信念. 希望她們的心中永保赤子之心.

What an awesome season for all of us. We used to gather together with family and friends on the Christmas Day morning and opened presents at the same time. However, Hiro needs to work on the Christmas Day. It's not a holiday in Japan. I told Mai and Haru to wait until daddy comes home so we can open all the presents together. Thank you, Santa, family members, and friends for all the love and gifts for us in this year. We appreciate all the wonderful and yummy gifts. Thanks Heavenly Father for us being able to gather together and celebrate this beautiful holiday. For you know my family, kids, me and Hiro didn't spent much time together in the year of 2007. However, we are so blessed to be again and feel the spirit of Christmas. We know that family can be together forever.

真的是非常棒的聖誕節. 我們的家庭收到很多的祝福和幫忙. 同時也感謝所有愛我們和陪伴我們一起的家人和朋友們. 雖然今天在日本不是一個公定的假期, 但是我們很幸運的感受到很有靈性和美好的聖誕氣氛. 我們真的知道家庭能夠永恆的在一起. 也感謝天父讓我們的家庭能漸漸同心而成為一體. 隨著每年的增加新的家庭成員, 我們真的很幸運能夠一天又一天的茁壯和成長. 聖誕快樂給我們所有的家人和朋友.

The Presents from Santa, family, and friends.

Our gifts for this year.

Mai's present from Santa. 聖誕老公公給Mai的禮物.

Haru's gift from Y-ma! 阿嬤給的禮物.

Dreams come true. 期盼很久的禮物.

Daddy and Amy's gift from Dolly-mom.

Mai's Christmas Dinner. Mai的聖誕晚餐.

Our Christmas Dinner. 我和Haru的聖誕大餐.

Haru cannot wait to eat. 等不及要進餐廳的Haru.

Mai and the menu. Mai和每位的菜單.

Gifts time. 禮物時間.

Our Christmas Cakes. 我們今年的聖誕蛋糕.

The yummy cake shop. 好吃的蛋糕店.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hello, Everyone:
How are you? How's your holiday? I'm back to Japan almost two months already. The weather in Tokyo now is cold and wet. Kids get sick so often now. Mai and Haru miss the hot weather in Taipei......:p
Hiroshi got a new job last month and he really enjoys working in this new company. He plans to stay in this current company for three years. He now also has to learn some banking rules. Not only dealing with computer programs any more.
Mai is going to a wonderful pre-school soon in April next year. The pre-school provides Mai and students-to-be many fun activities in these few months. Mai loves being with her new friends and also speaks some Japanese now.
Haru is getting big. He plays a lot a nd eats well everyday. He is a easy-going kid.
Me? Well, I'm one year older than last year. Due to the surgery in Taiwan, I lost about 14 pounds so far. This year I had a wonderful chance to visit my parents in Taiwan with kids. I'm also happy to return home again with Hiroshi. We were homesick a lot about daddy whle we were gone.
We miss each one of you. We enjoy this lovely season in Japan and wish you also enjoy the holidays. Thank you for your friendship. May you have happiness through all year long.

Merry Christmas,

Hiroshi, Amy, Mai, and Haru



I really don't know why Haru can laugh so happily.
Heavenly Father is right that all the children have pure hearts.
Enjoy the following two video and wish you will also laugh togethr with him.




Miracle! My boy can eat by himself now. I was having a hard time to train Mai to eat by herself. I was so frustrated when the meal time came up all the time. Not only I needed to feed Mai, but I also needed to make sure Haru gets his own food. Tired, angry, wondering, discouraged, upset and all the bad feelings come up when I finally fed both of them. Most of the time, I didn't even want to eat my meal after feeding Mai and Haru. Now, I finally feel better that both of them could eat by themselves. Meal time brings me joyfulness. Having a good eating habit is so important for both children and parents. I won't give up and will try hard to help Mai and Haru.

神奇真的太神奇了. 我們的弟弟開始會自己吃飯了. 真的很不可思議. 老實說, 當媽咪的我真的很失敗在教導姊姊吃飯的習慣. 當吃飯時間來臨時, 我時常覺得很害怕和不安. 更有的時候會覺得很恐懼. 因為要同時餵飽姊姊和弟弟兩個人得花很多的時間和精力. 常常得追著姊姊到處跑才能順利餵完她的一餐. 很多時候, 我自己都會很生氣, 納悶吃飯的愉快時間怎麼變成了我固定發脾氣的時間. 沮喪大概是我最常認同的結論.
當Haru自己開始有興趣自己進食時, 我決定放手讓他去學習吃飯的動作和習慣. 我發覺他也做的相當不錯. 當然我還是得在他們身邊督促一下, 免得他們搞東搞西的不乖乖用餐. 現在我終於比較能享受用餐的時間. 我會努力加油培養姊弟兩好的用餐習慣. 對一個家庭來說, 孩子們能盡情的享用食物和有好的吃飯習慣真的非常重要. 希望我們都能更愉快的完成一天3餐.


Party with Nakaso Family

Since Christmas is coming soon. I decide to throw a small party with our friends, the Nakaso's. I make some American food and prepare for a small children table for the girls. The party turns out great and fun. We have fun with friends.

At the same time, we all miss our friends in Taiwan, Hawaii, Singapore, U.S.A, and all the places. We miss you all. Wish all of us could meet again someday.
Friends are such important for us.........:p

在聖誕節即將來臨的前夕, 我們終於有機會邀請了中祖家庭來到訪. 我們一起玩遊戲和享用我比較拿手的美式料理. 小女生們都很開心屬於她們自己的公主桌. 雖然我不是個好廚師, 不過我想大家應該都吃的很飽.......:p 飯後我們更享用了由中祖家庭所帶來的美味日式布丁. 短短的3個小時為我們家庭帶來的很棒的時光.

同時, 我們的家庭真的很想念所有我們在世界各地不同的朋友們. 雖然現在大家都各在不同的國家中生活,但很期待有一天我們都會再見面的時光.

Our family with Nakaso's. 我們和中祖家庭.

Me, Cha-Cha, and Takayuki. 我和中祖夫婦.

Princesses Mayu, Lua, and Mai. 小公主們.

The girls' table. 公主們的餐桌.


Some Randon Pictures of this week

Kids grow up so fast. They bring me and Hiro lots of happiness everyday. Sometimes, I just cannot help myself to take them pictures. I wish I could remember all the happy and upset moments of Mai and Haru. Being a stay-home mommy is a great blessing. Thanks Hiro for working so hard for the family so that I could be a stay-home mom and enjoy being with kids all the time.

小孩子真的長的很快. 總覺得才剛剛抱在懷裡餵奶, 一下子就會跑會跳, 會追給我們打. 每一天Mai and Haru都為我和Hiro帶還很多很棒的時光. 有時候我就是沒辦法控制我自己不去為他們拍照. 他們的情緒也時時刻刻都不同, 上一秒兩姊弟才在搶玩具而哭鬧, 下一秒兩個人又坐在一起玩得不亦樂乎. 能當一個全職媽咪其實很幸運. 每一刻都能陪他們一起成長. 真的很感謝為家庭付出和犧牲很多的daddy. 如果不是他的辛勤工作, 我大概就不會像現在一樣當個全職媽咪了. 養孩子說不累是不可能的,不過當負母的感覺和責任真的很棒.

Mai is so happy when she receives the package from Y-ma. 開心的姊姊.

The cute sneaker from Y-ma. 阿嬤寄來給Mai的超棒球鞋.

They love to eat the yummy cookies from Y-ma. 好愛吃阿嬤買的魔棒.

Haru just woke up from a nap. 剛睡完午覺的Haru.

Mai likes to hug Haru all the time. 很愛招惹弟弟的姊姊.

Eating is so fun for Haru. 真的很愛吃的弟弟.

Still eating......停不下來的Haru