
Merry Christmas!

"Mommy, Hurry! We need to prepare cookies and milk for Santa and all the deers."

Mai is so excited to prepare all the treats for Santa to come. She believes that if we all prepare well and sleep early on the Christmas Eve, then the Santa will bring the present for her and Haru.
It's one of our family's traditional game on the Christmas Eve. It's so fun to see how a little child truly believes Santa and all the deers coming through the sky and dropping presents for children everywhere. I really enjoy Mai's happiness and her pure heart on this season. May she keeps her little wonderful belief as she grows older and older.

"媽咪, 趕快準備好餅乾和牛奶給聖誕老公公."

Mai真的很迫不及待要我拿出之前買好的巧克力餅乾放在我們準備好的盤子上給聖誕老人. 她真的相信如果在聖誕夜裡準備好一些小點心和一杯牛奶, 聖誕老人和他的那些麋鹿們會從天而降然後送禮物給她和Haru.
這是我們家庭的傳統遊戲在聖誕夜裡, 雖然是孩子們的遊戲, 不過真的覺得孩子們的心很美麗和單純. 她們簡單的信念和深切的期待, 每每都讓我很享受和感動. 期許我的女兒和兒子不會因為隨著年紀的增加, 而遺忘和失去了這些美好的信念. 希望她們的心中永保赤子之心.

What an awesome season for all of us. We used to gather together with family and friends on the Christmas Day morning and opened presents at the same time. However, Hiro needs to work on the Christmas Day. It's not a holiday in Japan. I told Mai and Haru to wait until daddy comes home so we can open all the presents together. Thank you, Santa, family members, and friends for all the love and gifts for us in this year. We appreciate all the wonderful and yummy gifts. Thanks Heavenly Father for us being able to gather together and celebrate this beautiful holiday. For you know my family, kids, me and Hiro didn't spent much time together in the year of 2007. However, we are so blessed to be again and feel the spirit of Christmas. We know that family can be together forever.

真的是非常棒的聖誕節. 我們的家庭收到很多的祝福和幫忙. 同時也感謝所有愛我們和陪伴我們一起的家人和朋友們. 雖然今天在日本不是一個公定的假期, 但是我們很幸運的感受到很有靈性和美好的聖誕氣氛. 我們真的知道家庭能夠永恆的在一起. 也感謝天父讓我們的家庭能漸漸同心而成為一體. 隨著每年的增加新的家庭成員, 我們真的很幸運能夠一天又一天的茁壯和成長. 聖誕快樂給我們所有的家人和朋友.

The Presents from Santa, family, and friends.

Our gifts for this year.

Mai's present from Santa. 聖誕老公公給Mai的禮物.

Haru's gift from Y-ma! 阿嬤給的禮物.

Dreams come true. 期盼很久的禮物.

Daddy and Amy's gift from Dolly-mom.

Mai's Christmas Dinner. Mai的聖誕晚餐.

Our Christmas Dinner. 我和Haru的聖誕大餐.

Haru cannot wait to eat. 等不及要進餐廳的Haru.

Mai and the menu. Mai和每位的菜單.

Gifts time. 禮物時間.

Our Christmas Cakes. 我們今年的聖誕蛋糕.

The yummy cake shop. 好吃的蛋糕店.

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