
Activity for Dec. from Mai's Pre-school

Mai's pre-school provides all the students-to-be a wonderful and spiritous activity for this month. The teachers teach us many cute children songs and Christmas songs. At the same time, they also teach us making a cute paper Christmas tree. In the end of the activity day, they also give all the kids a great story time. Although school is not yet ready until next year April. Mai cannot wait to be the part of this school family.

Mai明年4月開學的幼稚園,提供了一個很棒又很有靈性的活動日在這個很棒的12月份. 我們學習很多日本的兒歌和聖誕節的歌曲. 同時, 我們也一起動手製作了屬於我們的聖誕樹. 在活動日的尾聲, 老師們更提供了一個很棒的故事時間. 所有的新生們都好享受這個很特別的活動日. 同時我們都很期待下個月的活動呢!

Mai and Mayu

Story time for all the students-to-be. 故事時間

A big story book for all the students

Mayu and her mommy, Cha-Cha. Mayu和家嘉姊.


Mai, me, and our Christmas tree. 我們母女齊做的聖誕樹.

Mai and Mommy

Busy for making the trees. 忙著做聖誕樹的大夥.

Mai is talking to antie Cha-Cha

Mommy and Haru. 母子2人來插花.

Team Bees. 小蜜蜂組.

Mai's team---Bees. Mai的組別---小蜜蜂.

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