
Our Christmas Tree

We finally set up the Christmas tree for this year. Since we live in a small place, we got a small tree as well. Mai helps to decorate the tree a lot. She enjoys the tree so much. Haru is also trying to pull out all the decorations. When we light up, both of Mai and Haru sit quietly in front of the tree. Thank you for Y-ma's present. We really enjoy our Christmas tree. Santa, are you coming soon?!

我們終於裝飾好了聖誕樹. 由於我們在住的房子真的是太小了,所以我們有一顆小小的聖誕樹. Mai真的非常開心,一邊幫忙我裝飾樹,一邊告訴我一定要叫聖誕老公公來我們家參觀. 同時呢! Haru也很認真的在拆掉我們佈置好的裝飾品. 但當我們點燈時,兩個小的都好安靜地坐在聖誕樹前看著一閃一閃的燈. 看著她們眼中的期待, 我真的好開心. 聖誕老公公快來. Mai and Haru都在等你喔! 感謝阿嬤今年的禮物. 我們真的好喜歡我們的聖誕樹.

Our Christmas Tree and Mai. 我們的聖誕樹和Mai.

Christmas Tree.

Light up. 點燈儀式開始了.

Mai is busy for helping me to decorate the tree. 忙著裝飾樹的Mai.

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