

Miracle! My boy can eat by himself now. I was having a hard time to train Mai to eat by herself. I was so frustrated when the meal time came up all the time. Not only I needed to feed Mai, but I also needed to make sure Haru gets his own food. Tired, angry, wondering, discouraged, upset and all the bad feelings come up when I finally fed both of them. Most of the time, I didn't even want to eat my meal after feeding Mai and Haru. Now, I finally feel better that both of them could eat by themselves. Meal time brings me joyfulness. Having a good eating habit is so important for both children and parents. I won't give up and will try hard to help Mai and Haru.

神奇真的太神奇了. 我們的弟弟開始會自己吃飯了. 真的很不可思議. 老實說, 當媽咪的我真的很失敗在教導姊姊吃飯的習慣. 當吃飯時間來臨時, 我時常覺得很害怕和不安. 更有的時候會覺得很恐懼. 因為要同時餵飽姊姊和弟弟兩個人得花很多的時間和精力. 常常得追著姊姊到處跑才能順利餵完她的一餐. 很多時候, 我自己都會很生氣, 納悶吃飯的愉快時間怎麼變成了我固定發脾氣的時間. 沮喪大概是我最常認同的結論.
當Haru自己開始有興趣自己進食時, 我決定放手讓他去學習吃飯的動作和習慣. 我發覺他也做的相當不錯. 當然我還是得在他們身邊督促一下, 免得他們搞東搞西的不乖乖用餐. 現在我終於比較能享受用餐的時間. 我會努力加油培養姊弟兩好的用餐習慣. 對一個家庭來說, 孩子們能盡情的享用食物和有好的吃飯習慣真的非常重要. 希望我們都能更愉快的完成一天3餐.

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